Tuesday, December 11, 2007

This is solid

With a shriek, wisp’d and rotted mast to keel,
Loomed the ghost ship of Captain O’Neill.
As it neared, came about
From the gloom came a shout:
“We shall board ye, but first must congeal.”


Anonymous said...

The Usual Suspect

‘I do have a few good notes to spare,/ If you would with my capital pair/ To unveil these notes, methinks/ Congealed in pounds of a black gel that stinks/ And which makes ‘GBP’ be concealed.’

Anonymous said...


The Usual Suspect

'I do have a few good notes to spare,/ If you would with my capital pair/ To unveil these notes, methinks/ Congealed in a black gel that stinks,/ And makes the 'GBP' be concealed.'